So sad...I was only thinking recently I hadn't seen her posting for a while.
My condolences x
hello forum.
my aunt, flyinghighnow, has passed away.
i don't know if you remember her, but she was a long time member.
So sad...I was only thinking recently I hadn't seen her posting for a while.
My condolences x
well these goof balls at jwbroadcast apparently think the study of pure science means not having any "practical application".
oi vey.
sanderson may speak russian but he is so ill educated he appears to think that researching a subject and formulating a theory about it means that's the end of it - in other words he's saying it has no practical use.
Let's hope they keep making these videos.
jehovahs witness yearbook, 1967 p.105: cameroon"on one occasion a large crowd was following a man who had a talking serpent.
the serpent gave greetings and spoke in foreign tongues....a brother was passing by, attracted by the commotion, he went to the house to see what was happening.
as soon as he entered the room the serpent stopped talking.
My dear old dad used to lap up these demon stories. I don't know why..otherwise he was a very clever man..held a very demanding job in electrical engineering..he was always recounting these sorts of total nonsense.
i am so sick of this cult, this religion has such a grip on her.
since i left in 2014, things just are getting progressively worse.
and she it's just getting deeper and deeper.
Make a's and con's of your marriage. Actually write them down. Read it a few times.
Then leave it lying around.
i was just looking at some happy holidays / xmas cards some of us sent each other at the close of 2016 of the cards i received only a few of them have your jwn name on them ,the other `s gave me their real names which i cant reveal here.. however this post is for everybody that is on this forum not just to the few i`m referring to.just to clarify .. and i was going to send greetings to you all this year for 2020.. one was from hawaii.
merry xmas
now--bugger off.
here is video of one jw retirement care home that was abandoned leaving a whole lot of unused junk that should been properly removed .. what happened is a big question, it appears it was in radcliffe manchester uk.. another jah jireh home posted a cost of $3020.00 per month, so not for the poor jws out there.
does anyone out there know about this abandoned place ?.
i missed the usual blue jay-worg logo on the wall.
my wife and i were in edinburgh on saturday (did a ghost tour) and around dusk we passed two trolleys on the high street — aka 'the royal mile' — that both had two rows of led lights under the little shelves.
has anybody else seen this or is it a local innovation?
i'm happy to report their pimped-up trolleys were attracting no attention as usual.
its their christmas edition
one the jws like.. "get busy!
god is coming and he is pissed.".
one the that people who are not jws like.. "please god protect me from your people".
well--not a bumper sticker...but those in the know---
yesterday i got home from work and decided to buy a case of beer because, why not?
it’s monday.
the shop is conveniently round the corner from my place.
how do you know it was a scowl ?
she might have been smiling.
marches, sit ins, traffic blocking is the new normal for people to demonstrate.
they block highways, state buildings and roadways.
they may even get arrested but invariably get turned loose by the courts.. i think it’s disgraceful to demonstrate this way.
glueing themselves to lamposts --? sounds like fun
just leave them there--to freeze.